Culture & Team

The insights and consultancy agency

Bryter values

We combine the latest thinking with innovative methodologies, to deliver deep & meaningful insights that help businesses make better decisions.

We are a client-focused agency, committed to delivering research that makes a difference.

Working with Bryter means having access to a highly qualified and senior team on all your studies, who will deliver considered and thoughtful research leading to actionable findings.

Bryter is built on the following core foundations:

  1. We are consultative:  We understand your business and your challenges. We will provide clear and actionable findings to support better decision making
  2. We are commercial: Our work adds value to the bottom line for our clients
  3. We are empathetic: We understand your audiences, how people think, and how they make decisions. We can help unlock the hidden side of decision making
  4. We are thoughtful: Our team are deep thinkers from a range of disciplines who will unravel tricky business problems and find the right solution to your business challenge
  5. We are collaborative: We engage key stakeholders throughout the research process to ensure that insights are embedded into the business and research is actionable as well as insightful.


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The team



The Dogs & Cats

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Bryter is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to ensuring that the terms and
conditions of employment of the employee and potential employee are equitable and non-discriminatory. This means that job applicants and employees will be treated fairly regardless of their age, sex, marital status (including civil partnerships), sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race (including ethnic origin), disability, religion or religious beliefs and pregnancy and maternity.

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