Two new SREs and a promotion!

Topic: Company News   |   Aug 8, 2018 9:55:20 AM

Two new SREs and a promotion!

We are pleased announced the addition of two Senior Research Executives in our London office: Katie Aylward, and Danielle Patterson. In addition, Dan Riley has been promoted to Senior Research Executive.

Pictured left to right: Katie Aylward, Dan Riley, Danielle Patterson. Picture credit (photographer): Hazel Pugh

Katie joins us from Bauer Media and will work as SRE in the consumer team, focusing on quantitative projects, particularly those related to Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart technology. Danielle joins us from Skopos and will focus on quantitative research in the healthcare and pharmaceutical team, working on research covering a range of disease areas.

We are delighted to announce the promotion of Dan Riley to Senior Research Executive. Dan has risen swiftly having joining us as a graduate. He has taken on increasing responsibility across quantitative and qualitative projects including a number of high profile studies for clients across sectors.

These appointments follow a record year for Bryter. Research Manager Jenny McBean commented that “we are really pleased to welcome Danielle and Katie to our growing team in London. They bring valuable research expertise to Bryter that will allow us to continue to deliver the high quality, expert, and engaging research that our clients expect. To see Dan promoted to SRE is very rewarding too, having watched him develop and grow over the past few years, since joining us as a grad.”

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