Using advanced analytics to assess an asset moving into PII in multiple indications

The Challenge
Provide in-depth disease understanding of a high specialized tumor type and clinical pathway. And ultimately, assess the commercial opportunity in multiple indications (1L or 2L, all-comer or targeted) amongst KOLs and wider prescribing community.
Our Approach
Using our Multi-indication Decision Analysis (MiDA) a systematic and standardized approach. It is designed to break down decision-making. It allowed multiple indications to be assessed in a single interview in US and EU. We conducted 75-minute tele-web interviews that included a TPP co-creation exercise and patient flow pre-task
The Outcome
Through assessing the product through the lens of different indications we were able to provide a clear order of priority in terms of opportunity and adoption. The modelling exercise creates an indication score and ranking. The score, generated in real-time in the interview. MiDA scores are presented to physicians and evaluated. MiDA delivers clear evidence-based guidance related to unmet needs and relative opportunities. Co-creation optimized the subsequent TPP in the target indication. Recommendations were supported by in-depth disease understanding and existing treatment pathways and thorough assessment and mapping of the future landscape. Finally, we evaluated the asset’s potential uptake amongst the wider prescribing population.
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MD[x]T in prelaunch claims testing