Ominchannel marketing in healthcare - how to measure impact

Topic: Healthcare   |   4 November 2024

Ominchannel marketing in healthcare - how to measure impact

How To Measure Impact In Omnichannel

In the pharmaceutical industry, the importance of omnichannel marketing has grown significantly in recent years. As healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients access information across a variety of digital and traditional channels, pharmaceutical companies need to ensure their marketing strategies are both cohesive and impactful.

However, evaluating the success of an omnichannel campaign can be challenging due to the complexity and fragmentation of data across channels. To optimize performance and demonstrate value, it’s essential to measure the impact of these marketing efforts effectively.


1. Reasons for measuring impact

Measuring the impact of pharmaceutical omnichannel marketing is critical for multiple reasons. By understanding how well campaigns are performing, organizations can refine their marketing strategies and gain valuable insights that directly influence business outcomes. 

Data impact

Key reasons for measuring impact include:

a) Improved Campaign Effectiveness
Assessing the performance of an omnichannel marketing campaign enables pharmaceutical companies to fine-tune their approach. By identifying which messages, channels, and tactics are driving the most engagement, companies can pivot their strategy to amplify successful elements and eliminate underperforming ones. This continuous optimization improves the overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

b) Increased ROI
Pharmaceutical companies often invest heavily in marketing campaigns. Measuring the return on investment (ROI) is critical to ensuring resources are being allocated efficiently. When the impact of a campaign is understood, companies can adjust their budgets to focus on the most productive channels and tactics, thus maximizing profitability and resource allocation.

c) Better Decision Making
Reliable data is the backbone of sound decision-making. By measuring campaign impact, marketers are equipped with the evidence needed to make informed decisions about future campaigns. They can identify which channels are most effective for reaching specific audiences and allocate resources accordingly, improving overall strategic planning.

d) More Buy-In Throughout the Business
Demonstrating the impact of a campaign is essential for gaining buy-in from stakeholders, including leadership teams, sales departments, and regulatory bodies. Measurable impact fosters confidence in the marketing strategy, showing that it contributes to the company’s objectives and justifying continued investment.

e) Improved Customer Experience
Ultimately, the goal of omnichannel marketing is to enhance the experience of HCPs and patients. Measuring campaign impact helps marketers understand how well their strategies are resonating with target audiences, enabling them to improve communication, education, and overall engagement. This leads to more tailored and effective marketing efforts, contributing to better patient outcomes and customer satisfaction.


2. Measuring Omnichannel Campaign Impact

To measure the effectiveness of omnichannel marketing, pharmaceutical companies must adopt a multi-faceted approach that integrates data from various channels. Here are several key ways to measure the impact of these campaigns:

Omnichannel impact

a) Tracking Website Traffic
Monitoring the number of visitors to a pharmaceutical company’s website is a fundamental metric for assessing the reach of a campaign. Tools like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics provide insight into traffic sources, user behavior, and engagement levels, enabling marketers to evaluate which channels are driving the most visitors.

b) Tracking Conversion Rates
Conversion rates measure how many website visitors take a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a whitepaper, or contacting a sales representative. In the pharmaceutical space, conversions might also involve HCPs requesting product samples or engaging with educational content. Tracking these rates reveals how well a campaign is guiding target audiences through the marketing funnel.

c) Tracking Brand Awareness
Measuring brand awareness is essential for understanding how familiar HCPs and patients are with a pharmaceutical product or company. This can be tracked through surveys, social media listening, and online mentions, giving marketers an idea of how their brand is perceived and whether their omnichannel efforts are increasing visibility.

d) Mapping Prescription Data Back to Target List
One of the most direct ways to measure impact is by mapping prescription data back to the target audience identified at the outset of a campaign. If there is an increase in prescriptions written by the HCPs who were targeted, this suggests that the campaign successfully influenced their prescribing behavior. This approach links marketing efforts directly to business outcomes, providing a clear measure of impact.

e) Tracking Information Recall and Prescription Habits
Post-campaign surveys can measure how well HCPs recall information about a drug or treatment communicated during the campaign. High levels of information recall often correlate with shifts in prescribing habits, showing that the campaign had an educational impact and influenced decision-making among healthcare professionals.


3. Additional Tips for Measuring the Impact of Omnichannel Campaigns

While the methods above provide a solid foundation for measuring impact, pharmaceutical marketers can enhance their evaluations by following a few additional best practices:

Workplace Technology and Employee Happiness-1

a) Use a Variety of Metrics
No single metric can capture the full impact of an omnichannel campaign. To get a comprehensive view, marketers should track a mix of quantitative and qualitative metrics across multiple channels. This multi-dimensional approach ensures that all aspects of the campaign’s performance are evaluated.

b) Track the Right Metrics
It’s important to ensure that the metrics being tracked are aligned with the objectives of the campaign. For example, if the goal is to increase awareness, metrics related to reach and visibility should be prioritized. If the goal is to drive prescriptions, conversion rates and prescription data mapping will be more critical.

c) Track the Metrics Over Time
Marketing impact is often best understood over time. Tracking key metrics throughout the duration of a campaign, rather than just at the end, allows marketers to monitor progress and make adjustments in real-time. This longitudinal approach helps identify trends and patterns that might otherwise be overlooked.

d) Compare Results to Industry Benchmarks
To fully understand the performance of an omnichannel campaign, it’s helpful to compare results against industry benchmarks. These benchmarks provide context and allow pharmaceutical companies to assess whether their campaigns are competitive within the market.


Key takeaways

Key takeaways

  • Measuring the impact of omnichannel marketing in the pharmaceutical industry is essential for improving campaign effectiveness, increasing ROI, making better decisions, and ultimately enhancing the customer experience.

  • By tracking a variety of metrics—ranging from website traffic to prescription data—pharmaceutical companies can better understand how their marketing efforts are performing and adjust strategies accordingly.

  • Incorporating best practices like tracking metrics over time and comparing results to industry standards will ensure a comprehensive approach to measuring success.


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Learn more about how Bryter helps healthcare and pharmaceutical brands by reading our guide 'digital marketing to physicians' to learn how research and insights can help to shape digital strategy 

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