Marketing to HCPs in Europe – What We Uncovered

Topic: Healthcare   |   2 March 2020

Marketing to HCPs in Europe – What We Uncovered

It is common knowledge that the traditional face to face approach is becoming less effective for achieving business goals across the economic landscape, and digital marketing is filling this sales void.

Bryter has investigated the lay of the land, surveying over 1,500 GPs and Specialists in Europe. We have put together a free-to-download report on this.



Attitudes of doctors have changed accordingly with this trend. In 2008 nearly 80% of doctors were rep-accessible, eight years later that figure has gone down to just 44% in 2016. This chimes with an intake of new doctors who have grown up in a digital world.

The newer generation of HCPs are not only limiting the number of visits but also the length of those visits.

We asked what the most important factors were when communicating with pharmaceutical companies and found that having information that is easy to digest, and getting an immediate response are highly valued.

81% of HCPs say they use their smartphones for professional purposes with many using WhatsApp to communicate with colleagues, but much fewer using this to communicate with companies. We did measure a higher number using LinkedIn to communicate with companies.

See how we helped develop an Optimised Multi-channel HCP and Patient Campaign for one of our clients in this case study.

Geographically there are major differences between European countries. In France doctors are more accepting of digital, with these HCPs rating digital more highly for getting immediate responses to questions. This contrasts with HCPs in the UK and Switzerland who think that sales reps are better equipped for instant responses.

Where digital excels is fitting into the busy schedule of an HCP. Having reams of information at your fingertips (or thumb tips), using instant messaging services and E-detailing are enabling this behaviour in the digital realm.

See how we helped develop a Best In Class Comms Platform for one of our clients in this case study.

In a hyper connected world the way in HCPs access information and are influenced is changing. The new HCPs are digitally-native and increasingly moving towards a digital first approach. Rather than seeing digital initiatives as a cost-effective alternative to sales reps we envisage reps adapting to embrace digital channels to strengthen rapport with HCPs.

Bryter has asked 1500+ HCPs in Europe about how they engage with offline and digital sales touchpoints, where they get their information and what matters to them.

Our report contains 6 key graphs to help you easily interpret the results.  These directly answer questions such as:

  • Why are physicians turning to digital?
  • What are the most important factors when communicating with HCPs? 
  • What kind of touchpoints are best at providing easily digestible information? 
  • Which touchpoint is best for providing an immediate response to questions?
  • How important is it for HCPs to receive information in a way that fits in with their schedule?


Get the full report

Download and access the 'Future of Healthcare sales forces' report 


Read more 
  • Learn more about how Bryter helps healthcare and pharmaceutical brands by reading our guide 'digital marketing to physicians' to learn how research and insights can help to shape your digital strategy 



Case Studies

Helping a pharmaceutical company  develop their global marketing strategy
Helping a pharmaceutical company develop their global marketing strategy

View case study

Launching a new range of therapeutic beauty products
Launching a new range of therapeutic beauty products

View case study

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