Blog | Bryter Research

DTx concept testing for anxiety

Written by Ben Gibbons | 7 June 2023

Digital health technologies have been around for a while. Consumers are widely aware of health-related apps, but usage of these digital tools remains low, particularly when it comes to diagnosing or managing health conditions.

Digital therapeutics (DTx) is a new set of interventional tools that combines evidence-based software applications with data analytics and AI to help manage and treat disease. Doctors are keen on DTx. But how easy is it to gauge customer interest and address barriers to adoption? 

Concept testing with IMPACTS

When testing the viability of a concept, understanding consumer appeal and claimed propensity to purchase is not enough. Consumers don’t make purchase decisions based on appeal alone, they are also strongly influenced by how products and services are presented to them. 

Bryter’s IMPACTS framework leverages behavioral science principles to understand the levers that influence consumer behavior when presented with a new concept. Using IMPACTS, we evaluated an existing DTx product and came up with actionable insights for addressing potential patient barriers.

DTx product testing

Daylight is a DTx for the improvement of worry and anxiety and the management of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). In our survey, consumers reviewed Daylight (presented as Product L) through the lens of IMPACTS to help identify product areas that are already successful (and must be maintained) and those that need further development. 

Daylight scored lower for Information – indicating that consumers wanted to know more. This makes sense, as DTx is a new area in digital health and requires patients (and physicians) to be educated on the overall concept. Another area for improvement was identified under Messenger. For consumers who are used to health-related apps they can simply download on their phones, a doctor prescribing such a tool seems incongruous. To overcome that, it is useful to stress that any DTx must be clinically approved based on trials. With this knowledge, it is logical that doctors should prescribe DTx.

Conversely, Daylight is doing well in Appeal and Clarity. Consumers see the benefits and find the information provided easy to understand. These areas are already successful and need to be maintained.


Survey information:

Bryter carried out a survey of 1,082 US consumers in March 2023.

About Bryter and digital pharmaceutics

Bryter is an international market research and insights consultancy specializing in pharmaceutical research. We work with leading manufacturers and service providers to better understand the role pharma plays in people’s lives, enabling them to develop & market their products and services more effectively. 

Read more about innovation in digital health and its impact on patient experience and the delivery of healthcare

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